Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is SmartParent right for me?
SmartParent is for people with uncomplicated, single-baby pregnancies and healthy infants. Messages are not intended to replace information provided by your care provider. If you or your baby have a pre-existing health condition or if you are not sure if SmartParent is right for you - check with your care provider. 

What number will the text messages come from?
Text messages will come from 12323. You can save this number as "SmartParent" in your phone contacts.

My phone number changed, how can I update my account?
Log In to your SmartParent account. On your Profile page, enter your new phone number and click 'Update Account' to save.

How can I change my message schedule?
Log In to your SmartParent account. On your Profile page, select 3 Message Days, specify a Message Time (24-hour clock, 00:00), and select your Time Zone. Click 'Update Account' to save.

Can I cancel anytime?
Yes, you can cancel this service at any time.
Log In to your SmartParent account and click on 'Cancel Account' at the bottom of the page. Enter your phone number and, if you like, the reason why you are cancelling so we can learn how to improve SmartParent. Click Cancel Account to finish.

I was previously enrolled in SmartParent, can I sign up again?
Yes! If you previously texted "STOP" to SmartParent, you will first need to text "START" to 12323 before you can re-enroll. You can then text the keyword "SmartParent" to restart the enrollment process. If you cancelled your previous account through the SmartParent website, you will not need to text "START" first - you can just start by texting the keyword "SmartParent". Need help? Contact Us!

What if I am currently receiving parenting messages in the SmartParent program but now want to receive the pregnancy messages as well, because I am expecting another baby?
SmartParent can only accept one enrollment per phone number. If you wish to join SmartParent from the beginning to receive pregnancy messages, while still receiving messages for parenting an infant, please use a different phone number for your second enrollment. You may also have a partner, close family member, or friend sign up if you have access to their phone.

What do you do with my personal information? Is it safe?
Yes, your personal information is safe with us. All information collected from SmartParent is completely confidential and remains private.

SmartParent staff, researchers, and technology partner (MEMOTEXT) are the only people who have access to information provided through your participation in the SmartParent program. Answers to survey questions are not linked to your name or any other personal identifying information.

MEMOTEXT hosts the user portal at and online surveys and strictly follows the privacy guidelines set out by PIPEDA. Your information is secure and will not be shared with third parties in any way for any reason.

How do I find out about the messages I missed if I joined part way through the program?
You can find a complete list of the messages by logging in to your SmartParent account and clicking on 'Messages'.

Is SmartParent free? Why do my messages say 'Data rates apply'? Does this mean I'm being charged for the messages?
SmartParent will not charge you to sign up or to receive program text messages.

However, standard message and data rates may apply. This means that, depending on your phone plan with your mobile phone service provider (e.g. Bell, Rogers, Telus), you may be charged for: 1) text messages received from/sent to SmartParent, and/or 2) data usage if you click any web links in the SmartParent text messages while not connected to WiFi. If you have an unlimited text messaging plan, you shouldn't be charged to receive our messages. If you have an unlimited data plan, you shouldn't be charged for browsing web links in our messages. Please check with your carrier if you are unsure about your phone plan.

Is SmartParent gender inclusive?
SmartParent is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive parenting education program via text messaging for new parents. Please note that some of our program content and resource links refer to "woman", "mom", "mother" and "breastfeeding" as well as "dad" and "father". We acknowledge that people with a wide range of gender identities experience pregnancy, childbirth, infant feeding and parenting. Where possible, we use gender neutral terms in recognition that not every birthing person identifies as a woman, female or a mother and not every spouse, partner or support person identifies as a man, male or a father.

Is SmartParent only available in English? What about other languages?
SmartParent is only available in English at this time.

I'm a health care provider, can I get more info?
Yes, thanks for your interest! We look forward to hearing from you. Please Contact Us!

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