Tips for Enrolled Users
Tips for Enrolled Users
Sign in to:
Select the days and time to receive your messages
Update your due date and/or verify your baby's birth date
Update your phone number if it changes
View the full message list, to see those you missed before joining the program
Cancel the program, if you no longer wish to receive messages
Text the word BORN to begin receiving parenting messages.
Text the word LOSS to end your messages and receive support resources.
Text the following keywords to receive extra pregnancy messages:
ALCOHOL - Reducing alcohol intake
SMOKING - Managing tobacco intake and vaping
NEW - Being pregnant and new to Canada
AFTER35 – Expecting your 1st baby over 35 years of age
EATING - Healthy eating and weight during pregnancy
LOSS – Support if you had a past or current pregnancy loss (miscarriage, stillbirth) or infant loss
SAFETY - Safety in relationships
VBAC - Learning about vaginal birth after a previous Cesarean section
MENTALHEALTH - Anxiety and depression during and after pregnancy
RHNEG - Having Rh-negative blood (type A-, B-, AB-, or O-)
Sign In to your account to access the SmartParent forum!
The forum is an online discussion board for you to connect with other SmartParent users to share your experiences, ideas, successes, and concerns in real time. The forum is moderated by a registered nurse.